How to use the Peso Exchanger Fee Calculator (for PWS)

Our fee calculator is found at the footer/bottom part of our home page. It helps you know your receivable amount or send amount for using the PWS (Peso Exchanger Withdrawal Service).

There are 2 ways to use the fee calculator. See the instructions below on how to use the fee calculator:

Note: If you request an exchange from a different currency (USD, AUD, etc) please put the exchange rate (to PHP) in the “Exchange Rate” Field otherwise leave it as it is.

FIRST WAY: To know how much you will be receiving after using the PWS, follow the steps below.

1. Put the amount you are going to send in to the “Send” field.

Fee Calculator

2. Press “Calculate Receivable Amount” button.

Fee Calculator

3. You may check your receivable amount located in the “Receive” field.

Fee Calculator


SECOND WAY: To know how much you will be sending  to receive a certain amount after using the PWS, follow the steps below.

1. Put the amount you want to receive in to the “Receive” field.

Fee Calculator

2. Press “Calculate Send Amount” button.

Fee Calculator

3. The amount in the “Send” field is the amount you are going to send to Peso Exchanger.

Fee Calculator

If you have questions please visit our FAQ page.

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Available even
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Content Management Staff at Peso Exchanger
The youngest of the family, animal and food lover, who values time and family, thrift, business minded, and a team player.

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One Response so far.

  1. B says:

    wonderful post, thank you.

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  • Fee Calculator

    Exchange Rate(PHP)
    How to use:
    If you request an exchange from a different currency (USD, AUD, ... ), please put the exchange rate (to PHP) in the "Exchange Rate" Field otherwise leave it as it is.
    For withdrawal service, put the amount you are going to send in to the "Send" Field, and press "Calculate Receivable Amount".
    For funding service, put the amount you want to receive in the "Receive Field", and press "Calculate Send".
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