We are no longer able to use our old Paypal account and therefore we will be using a new one. The official new Paypal account will be operational on January 10, 2012. While waiting for that account to be ready, we will be using a temporary account. Please contact me directly via mobile to know that account’s email address. New […]

Peso Exchanger Shirts are ready for pick up! Happy Holidays Peso Exchanger Clients! Exclusive Pesoexchanger.com Tshirt’s are now ready for pick up. Those who are listed last week can now get their shirts. Below is a list of those who can already pick up their shirts. Click here to see if your name is on the list! Glen Calamba Imar […]

As this is the season for giving, we are giving back to our clients FREE pesoexchanger.com T-shirts. We will be collecting name of those interested and your preferred sizes. Submit your interest before December 16, 2011. Please follow the instructions below to get your FREE Peso Exchanger T-Shirt. To submit your interest and preferred size, tell us anything about PesoExchanger.com’s […]