Working online as a freelancer is a challenging job. It is difficult to find clients and maintain
a good relationship them. There are many perks for having a good relationship with your clients, they can raise your pay, give you bonuses, stay longer with you, recommend you to other potential clients and many more. .
Here are a few tips for keeping a good relationship with your client.
1. Render a First-Class Service
Begin with doing an outstanding service to your client to make them satisfied. A client will generate more contracts if you serve them the quality of operation they want from you.
2. Extend a Broader Range of your services.
Give a large range of service to your client. Make sure it can interpret all of your capabilities.
3. Propose a Variety of Services.
Propose variety of services. It can improve your chances in acquiring a long term relationship with the clients.
4. Observe what kind of Service your client needs.
It is advisable to read the previous job posting of your client and distinguish the kind of capabilities they want from you.
5. Ask feedbacks and suggestions from your clients.
Ask them how they feel working with you and let them give you some feedbacks/proposals on how to improve your working relationships with them.
6. Don’t stop learning.
Acquiring new things is the best way to improve your quality of services you provide. The more knowledge, experiences and skills, the more you can provide to your clients.
7. Enjoy your job as a freelancer.
Have fun working with the project, it may hard to handle bearing in mind that you have deadlines to meet and to ensure your client will be impress about the work you have done.
8. Be consistent with your attitude.
Handle your client with frankness, humor, and esteem. This can be repeated over and over again to win the assurance of the client.
9. Professionalism
Constantly use professional terms and be nice when you talk no matter how far you can go informally with your client.
10. Perform your best to your client.
Concentrate on the client’s needs; you cannot build up a long time relationship with clients by rendering services that they do not want, or services that will not help them attain their goals.
neil mark
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- Freelancers: Tips for Keeping a Good Relationship with your Client/Employer - September 20, 2012